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Friday, October 07, 2005

Is meat murder?

You know Smiths? The band from eighties... a singer with a sad voice? They got a song (in an album with the same title..) Meat is Murder.

Do you want to test your diet? Are you an omnivore, a herbivore or a carnivore? The test is like this : You listen the song Meat is murder ->

1. You cried all day and gave up eating meat and set up your mind as a militant vegie : You are herbivore..

2. A few tears fell down your cheeks and you didn't eat meat for a day or two. Than returned to your old habits in a week. : You are omnivore..

3. You laughed ( evilly >:) ) and returned chewing your hotwings : You are carnivore..

ps : I am omnivore.
ps2 : My agents confirmed that the notorious secret master of Scientologist cult of Turkey who is chasing me relentlessly in Istanbul is carnivore :(.
ps3 : Do you remember IBM PS/2? :P
ps4 : By the way Sony Play Station 3 will be out soon. I don't care! I love my PC.

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