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Saturday, September 10, 2005

dumbs of the day

Scientology is an absurd name and seems to be secret religion of a bunch of weird folk in a comedy film.
Their beliefs are even more comical. All the things seem to be a poor attempt to form a SF universe of an average high school guy. Like most dumb belief system it has a simple defense mechanism: You don't believe us than your brain is washed (every foolish system has this kind of one sentence defenses). Personally I am happy if mine is if reality is this stupid.

Some claims :

70 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ago (7×1085 years): The Story of Creation Implants

>can you count?

The Galactic Confederacy was the political unit formerly ruled by the tyrant Xenu. It ruled a broad swath of the galaxy, and lasted for "eighty trillion years". ("The ITSA Line") 75 million years ago, at the time of Xenu's mass murder, the Galactic Confederacy comprised 21 stars and 76 planets, including Earth (then called Teegeeack). Its inhabitants "were walking around in clothes which looked very remarkably like the clothes they wear this very minute.

>How can you be so certain of things when we don't have clear knowledge of some affairs happenned a few millenia ago?

the Fifth Invader Force, out of its own protection, took over Venus – oh, relatively in modern times – took over Venus and tried to stabilize the Venusian[s]. If you called a Fifth Invader, though, a Venusian, he would probably shoot you out of hand, because it would be a horrible insult. They merely monitor the government of Venus, and
they leave Mars strictly alone.

>no comment.

Soap, bowl of water, saw : brainwashing ltd.

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